Archive for November 17th, 2008


November 17, 2008

I went to see the movie “W”with some trepidation because the rumors surrounding it inferred it would be showing President Bush in a bad light. Since I didn’t want to financially support any defamation of character, I was concerned. To my surprise the movie was complementary in many ways and depicted President Bush as a wild charismatic young man who transformed himself, with help, into a driven, responsible individual. His detractors will probably use the “wild young man” segment as the total sum of his character, while his supporters, being more on the social edge, will appreciate both sides of his character.

The part of the movie where meetings with his cabinet and staff are played out depicts a decisive President who listens to all advice before making a “gut feel” decisionĀ and also answers critics on the Iraq war issues. This is contrary to the leftist bloggesphere. I thought Oliver Stone was liberally oriented. Is it possible for one to be fair?